
Atmospheric Scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), USA:

I am a Scientist II at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Department of Energy (DOE), USA, who is broadly interested in geophysical fluid dynamics, and have done research on a wide range of topics from the atmospheric/climate dynamics to air-sea interaction using mathematical, numerical, and comprehensive models, guided by observational data. The main theme of my work is advancing fundamental understanding of atmospheric processes that affect extratropical/tropical weather and climate. Potential research topics include but are not limited to, the dynamics of large-scale circulation (sudden stratospheric warmings, blockings, annular modes, stationary waves, planetary wave reflection), tropical meteorology (moisture modes, equatorial waves, cold surges), and extreme weather events.

Outside of work, I enjoy listening and watching classical music concerts (a big fan of Bach, Sibelius, Paganini, Shostakovich, and Tchaikovsky), traveling, and exploring the nature.

Recently Accepted/Submitted Articles:

  • Hagos S., C-C. Chang, P-L. Ma, Lubis, S. W., K. Balaguru, et al. (2024): Synchronization of the Recent Decline of East African Long Rains and Northwestern Asian Warming. JGR: Atmosphere. Submitted.
  • K. Balaguru, S. Wang, L. Leung, S. Hagos, B. Harrop, C-C. Chang, Lubis, S. W., O. Garuba, et al. (2024): Influence of Eastern Pacific hurricanes on the Southwest US wildfire environment. GRL. Accepted.
  • Lu J., B. Harrop, Lubis, S. W., S. Smith, G. Chen, and L. Leung. (2024): The role of cloud radiative feedback in the propagating Southern Annular mode. JGR: Atmosphere. In Revision.